Contract is a focal institution of the law and one of most flexible legal instruments. Its possibilities are so broad that it can be used to carry most diverse operations and produce different legal effects in any area of law.
Bearing in mind that the Law Office Jovana Pušac particularly specialized in the field of contract law – national and international, that is our key principle – satisfied and, as circumstances permit, protected client, at the same time taking care to preserve the trust between contracting parties, but also for successful realization of a legal transaction.
As for contracts drafted in accordance with national and international law, we provide legal advice and representation during negotiations. Also, in cooperation with client we define goals and suggest the best legal solutions, depending on specifics of business relationship.
We provide legal advice and representation of clients in matters regarding interpretation of contractual clauses, contract amendments, termination of contractual obligations particularly after their fulfilment, as well as due to impossibility of performance or due to delay in fulfilment by the other party, and also in other cases of breaches of contract or preliminary contract.
We aim to resolve disputes primarily through out-of-court settlements, bearing in mind the length and high cost of court proceedings and other types of institutional involvement in dispute resolution. However, when such approach is not possible due to circumstances, we represent legal interests of clients, with equal thoroughness, in all civil and commercial court proceedings, administrative proceedings and disputes, as well as arbitration proceedings.
At client’s justified request we initiate procedures in Constitutional Court of the Republic of Srpska in order to assess constitutionality and legality of a law or regulation.
Where prescribed by law, we undertake to protect human rights and freedoms of our clients before Constitutional court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and International Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
We provide consulting and advice regarding legal, financial, tax and other issues related to real estate transactions, including all procedures before public institutions and bodies. This involves providing advisory services and facilitating negotiations, signing preliminary contracts and contracts on real estate transactions (sale, exchange contract, gift agreement, lifetime care contract), as well as commercial lease agreement, facilitating procedures in relevant real estate institutions in order to provide registration or deletion of property law in Cadastral Registry (mortgage, real servitude, right of construction, concessions, lease), drafting legal opinions and expertise.
We participate in construction projects, negotiating and drafting construction contracts, design and supervision during the implementation of investment projects, as well as in a number of procedures for obtaining location, construction and usage permits.
Our services in company law include legal advice on founding and functioning of business entities and their representative offices, full facilitation of procedure of founding business entities, enacting necessary business acts, implementation of status changes, drafting commercial contracts, where we provide proposals for the most efficient execution of contractual obligations.
We also perform complete legal analysis of companies (legal due diligence) and prepare all documents necessary for implementation of changes. We are always up-to-date with legal framework and take active part in negotiations between our clients and third parties